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Have you experienced a sudden bee kill?  It’s important to report these kills to all the appropriate agencies so that we have data to show pesticides' effects on the honeybee population.  Help us help all beekeepers by reporting your kill following these steps below, and together we can defend bees and collect information to raise awareness of the struggles in the beekeeping industry.

  • Report to State Agency
    Bee kills should be reported to your State Lead Agency immediately.  Per the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), states do not have to report bee kills to the federal EPA.

  • Share Your Report with Pollinator Stewardship Council
    If there as an identified pesticide in your bee kill report from your state agency, please submit your report information to us so that we can ensure the EPA receives the information.  State agencies are not required to submit the information to the EPA, which is why Pollinator Stewardship Council will do it for you.  Fill out the form below and we will work on your report submission to the EPA.

Share Your Bee Kill with Pollinator Stewardship Council

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon!

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