States around the country are working toward mitigating pollinator pesticide exposures at the state level. In Minnesota, numerous pollinator protection bills are moving through the legislative session this spring. They include legislation to: give local control to municipalities to make decisions about what pesticides are used in their neighborhoods (SF0608 / HF1130), develop a regulatory program for treated seeds (SF1718, HF2472), and prohibit uses of systemic insecticides and seed treatments on Department of Natural Resources managed lands (SF0835 / HF0921), prohibit harmful and unnecessary lawn and garden uses of neonics (SF1915, HF2805), and prohibit PFAS aka “forever chemicals,” in pesticides (SF2020, HF1150). There’s also legislation to sustain the successful Lawns to Legumes Program, fund a general pollinator account, further research neonic impacts on vertebrates like deer and prairie chickens, and create and maintain habitat along state highways.
Are you in MN? Many of the pollinator bills we’re working on need to be heard in the Senate Agriculture committee to move forward. Learn more about the work here. You can help by connecting with Senate Agriculture Chair Aric Putnam (651-296-6455, ) and your own senator, to share why you care about this issue. Find your elected officials here:
Not in Minnesota and want to learn more? contact PSC Board member Erin Rupp of Pollinate Minnesota to learn more about any of these initiatives and how to support them (
Working in collaboration with Pollinate Minnesota, PSC has been able to provide some support for this important work. Read our most recent testimony on treated seeds.