Thank you for your support of Pollinator Stewardship Council. Your donation will help us fulfill our mission of defending managed and native pollinators vital to a sustainable and affordable food supply from the adverse impacts of pesticides. In addition to your donation, if you’d like to support us further please consider becoming a member of Pollinator Stewardship Council, which provides us with on-going funding through yearly auto-renewing membership payments. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.
Your donations go towards:
Raising awareness about the adverse impact of pesticides on pollinators critical to the supply of food and the ecosystem.
Providing advocacy, guidance, and tools to document the detrimental effect of pesticides on pollinators.
Changing the regulatory processes of pesticide risk assessment, labeling, and enforcement.
If you’re more comfortable paying by check, please make checks payable to Pollinator Stewardship Council and send to:
Pollinator Stewardship Council Treasurer
1617 White Water Ct.
Berthoud, CO 80513